artistic route



Expressionist painter, having studied in Athens School of Fine Arts and Ecole National Superieure des Beaux Arts in Paris, and having presented 15 individual exhibitions and participated in numerous group exhibitions in Greece and abroad since 1979. I am currently cooperating with Belgravia Gallery In London and Hong Kong.


  • Athens School of Fine Arts, Painting, Mosaic and Book Art, with module leaders: I. Morali, I. Kolefa and I. Papadaki correspondingly.
  • History of Art, with module leader Mrs Marina Labraki – Plaka.
  • Ecole National Superieure des Beaux Arts in Paris: Painting and Mosaic.


1979: Praise for artistic work (final work in HSFA)
1982: EOMMEX’s Scholarship for studying abroad, in mosaic.
2009: Prize from NESTLE HELLAS
2014: Prize in the competition themed “PEACE” from the International Foundation WORLD CITIZEN ARTISTS
2015: Certificate of Honour from SEBA (Seoul – Baku) Azerbaijani – Korean Cultural Exchange Association
2023: participation in the Liangzhu Forum project “Silk Road Artist’s China Tour for Foreign Artists” representing Greece


1980: As a professor in Petra Schools, to graphic artists department.
1981: As a professor in T.E.I. of Athens, to decorators department.
1982-2007: As a professor in Mid Education.
1994 – 1998: in Private Institute of Vocational Training “ Technografico”.


1999: Assignment by Greek Educational Institute, Member of a book writing team, for the module of Painting (A’ Cycle), of Applied Arts section for the Creek Technical Vocational Educational School.


  • Art Historians who have reffered to my artistic work: Dora Iliopoulou Rogan, V. Koudouridis, Vivi Vasilopoulou, P.Kounenaki as well as many journalists.
  • Comments on and pictures of my work have been published in newspapers and journals. Indicatively: tribute from literature magazine “The word”, special issue no. 156, under title “Sports and literature”.


  • Collaboration with the Constructions Company ADK for the collectible calendar “Olympic Games in Athens 2004”
  • Collaboration with the Insurance Group Commercial Value SA for the decoration of their offices in Athens
  • Collaboration with Nestle Hellas SA for the artistic promotion of the Greek traditional coffee PAPAGALOS LOUMIDIS
  • Private collections in Greece and abroad have works of mine, indicatively Swatch, Alpha TV, Italian Athletics Association, Commercial Value SA, Aspis Insurance Group, well-known politicians, Prince of Abu Dhabi
  • Works of mine have been sold by the Auction Houses AlphaZmart and Cypria Auction in Cyprus
  • Artworks of mine are permanently exhibited in the Academy of Arts in Liangzhu City, China
  • Artworks of mine are exhibited in Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Athens Greece.